
As a NHCN member your opinion and ideas are needed as part of the process as the NHCN Environmental Monitoring Agency or the NHCN Chief and Council negotiate on behalf or Norway House Cree Nation with both government and private parties.

For more information and to register click here.

Consultation Projects

  • Churchill River Diversion (1966)

  • Keeyask Infrastructure and Generating Station > related transmission line Projects (2014)

  • Lake Winnipeg Regulation - JenPeg Generation Station (1970)

  • Mining: Victory Nickel / Minago Mine Project (2011)

  • NHCC - Norway House Community Council Draft Settlement Agreement (1992)

Other Projects

  • CEC Hearings Information

  • Lands Code Management (2014)

  • Matrimonial Property Acts and other NHCN Initiatives (2015)

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